Unblocking Blocked Drains Southend: Tips from Experts

blocked drains southend

blocked drains southend can cause a lot of issues in households and buildings, leading to severe water damage. Unfortunately, fixing blocked drains isn’t usually an easy task. There are a few important measures you can take for dealing with blocked drains Southend in your house or business premises.

Identifying the Blockage

Before attempting to unblock the drains, it is important to identify the blockage causing the issue. If it is a major blockage, then it is best to call in the professionals to help you clear the pipe and unblock the drain. Professional plumbers use CCTV equipment to identify and diagnose any issues and offer cost-effective solutions for clearing blocked drains.

Using a Plunger

In case of minor blockages, you may be able to unclog your sinks with a plunger. It is effective at breaking down smaller clogs such as soap scum, dirt, and hair. You should place the plunger over the affected area and pump rapidly. After a few minutes, the blockage should be freed and the water should start flowing freely again.

blocked drains southend

Chemical Drain Cleaners

If the plunger fails to clear the blockage, you may need to use a chemical drain cleaner. These products are available both in liquid and powder form in hardware stores. Chemical cleaners contain strong substances that can dislodge stubborn debris and blockages in pipes and drains. However, always remember to follow the instructions written on the packaging before using these products.

Natural Alternatives

To avoid using harsh chemicals, homeowners can opt for natural alternatives. One of the most popular DIY remedies for unblocking drains is hot water and baking soda. Boil two liters of water in a pot and slowly pour into the sink. When the water has cooled, add one cup of baking soda and one cup of white vinegar into the drain. Wait for 10-15 minutes and then pour the rest of the boiling water into the sink, which should help to loosen the blockage.

Powerful Tools

For more persistent blockages, a plumber might have to use specialised tools like motorised drain augers, jet wash systems or hydro jetting. An auger is a long metal rod that is used to poke and remove debris from the inside of the drain. Jet wash systems and hydro jetting work by blasting high pressured water into the drain. This can break up hard debris and flush out blockages.

Preventative Measures

It is important to take preventive measures to reduce the chances of blocked drains Southend in the first place. You should never pour cooking oil, coffee grinds, grease or pet hair down the sink; these substances tend to stick together and cause blockages. To ensure optimal flow, you should also avoid flushing anything other than toilet paper down the toilet. And lastly, once every 6 months or so, run hot water down all the drains to flush out any debris.

Unfortunately, blocked drains can occur even when preventive measures are taken. The best way to deal with this issue is to contact a professional plumbing team with experience in unblocking drains Southend. With the right tools and techniques, they will be able to diagnose the issue and offer suitable solutions.
