Unclogging Blocked Drains in Essex

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Essex is a picturesque county known for its expansive coastline, quaint towns and villages, and large cities. But, like any other place on earth, it can have plumbing problems. And when plumbing goes wrong, blocked drains are one of the most common issues. So, if you live or work in Essex and find yourself dealing with blocked drains, click here to know more about how to unclog them.

Why Blocked Drains Happen

Blocked drains can happen for many reasons. The most common cause is that debris such as fat, oil, grease, and soap builds up inside the pipes and clogs them. Hair also loves clogging pipes, as well as objects like toys, cotton buds, and any kind of sanitary objects. It’s not uncommon for tree roots to invade pipes and cause blockages, too.

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What You Need for Unclogging Blocked Drains

First than anything else, make sure you have the right tools for the job. Depending on what caused the blocked drain, you may need things like a sewer rod, a sink plunger, an auger, or an acid cleaner. All of these items are typically available from an Essex plumber, so make sure you have them before getting started. Alternatively, you can hire a professional plumber to take care of your blocked drains.

Getting Started – Step by Step Guide

If you decide to try unclogging your blocked drains yourself, follow these simple steps:

  • Put on gloves: When dealing with a blocked drain, you’ll likely come into contact with nasty waste water and other contaminants, so make sure you always wear rubber gloves.
  • Look for the blockage: Remove the drain cover and take a look inside the pipe. If you can see what’s causing the blockage, you can start trying to remove it.
  • Use the right tool for the job: Use the necessary tools depending on the type of blockage. For example, use a sink plunger for small blockages, or an auger for tougher ones.
  • Flush the drain: Run hot water through the drain for several minutes to flush out any residue left behind after the blockage has been removed.
  • Check again: Once the initial blockage has been cleared, turn your attention to the rest of the drain. Make sure there are no other blockages or any potential areas that could cause trouble in the future.

How to Prevent Future Clogs

Once you’ve successfully unclogged your blocked drains, take some time to consider how to avoid this issue in the future. One of the best ways is to ensure that your drains aren’t exposed to potential blockages. This means being careful not to put any kind of food scraps, oils, or grease down your sink. Keep tree roots away from your pipes and have your Essex plumber conduct regular maintenance checks. Additionally, never flush sanitary items down the toilet.

Signs That You Need Professional Help

Not all blocked drains can be fixed with DIY methods – sometimes, you will need a professional plumber. If you’ve tried all the DIY solutions and none have worked, it’s time to call in the professionals. Additionally, if you have multiple blocked drains, it’s a good idea to call a plumber instead of attempting to fix it on your own. Blocked drains can cause big issues if left untreated, so make sure you get it sorted sooner rather than later.

If you live or work in Essex and need help unclogging your blocked drains, click here to get in touch with a reliable plumber. They will be able to diagnose the problem and provide professional and lasting solutions.
